Porsche Cayman GT4 – Hungaroring – Esport Setup – Race + Qualy +Motec +Replay


Tutti i setup sono stati realizzati sulla patch 1.10.2, quindi freschissimi.

Dentro il pack troverai:

– Setup sia da Qualy che da Gara

– File di gioco del replay del mio hotlap (da installare nella tua cartella documenti)

– File Motec per l’analisi della telemetria

Se hai qualche domanda oppure vuoi lasciarmi un feedback, contattami su Discord, a Michael Romagnoli #9101


All setups were made on patch 1.10.2, so very fresh.

Inside the pack you will find:

– Qualy and Race setup

– My hotlap replay game file (to be installed in your documents folder)

– Motec files for telemetry analysis

If you have any questions or want to leave me feedback, contact me on Discord, at Michael Romagnoli #9101

Hungaroring Hotlap: https://youtu.be/OzyNERYzZPc

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